Well I have been reading my rear end off doing research for
the homestead so today I am going to talk about a couple of the books I read or
am in the process of reading if I may.
The first is Storey’s Guide to Raising Rabbits by Bob
Bennett. To be honest it was kind of
hard to get by the first chapter, while the information is good the author
comes across as condescending stating a lot of opinions (which granted at
backed up with over 50 years of experience) and presenting them as facts. He comes off as a such a breed snob to the
point I had to do research to see if he was a president of some breed
association or something.
The book really should be call Storey’s Guide to Commercially
Raising Rabbits. Mr. Bennett, looks at
everything through a commercial lens, and that is not really what I want to do,
but he assumes that is the only reason to raise rabbits, to make money on
them. The book is not really all that useful
for what I am looking at, he does not cover colony raising, again thinking
raising them in raised cages to be the only option. The section on feed covers one thing,
Pellets, page after page about why pellets are the perfect food, again would
not surprise me to find he is a stock owner in the feed company. In Chapter 8 he finally does at least touch
on feeling rabbits some tidbits from the garden. As a whole I was pretty disappointed in this
book and while there are bits and pieces I will use (such as starting with two
buck and two does rather than 1 buck and 3 does.) over all I will probably be
looking for another book that focuses on rabbits as part of a homestead.
The next is “Raising Goats Naturally” by Deborah
Niemann. Overall I liked this book it covered
a lot of information and will be a book I am likely to reference over and over
again over the years. I really liked all
of the pictures and illustrations that make it easy to understand. The section on parasites was really an eye
opener, and a little intimidating! I am
also sure I will go back to the book when I start to get established in order
to get the first aid list for goats! The
section on the birthing process also introduced me to a long list of
information I did not know that I am sure will come in handy when the day comes
for the goats to give birth!
The book went into a lot of details in the milking of goats
but did not really touch on the butchering process much at all. I mean she used two chapters on making cheese
and a separate chapter on goat milk soap but used a total of 5 pages to cover
the meat and one of those pages was recipes! Granted I loved all of the
information on milking and the equipment recommended, all information I needed
to know and the cheese was something I really wanted to know just wish she
could have covered a little more with the butchering. She also threw in a page of using hides for
leather and I really had not given much through to that before.
The one other issue I had with this book was that it did not
include anything on the Kinder Goats that I plan to raise. With the book being published in 2013 I really
did not see a reason they were not included unless perhaps the author did not
have experience with them.
Over all I recommend Raising Goats Naturally for any homesteader and if Homesteading is your goal I would not recommend Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits.
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