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Showing posts from October, 2017

Fall Harvesting and some farm pics

I want to start out this month’s blog by thanking all those who have reached out to me about the blog.  I am amazed at the number of people who I grew up with or served with who have reached out to me and told me I was going to be living their dream, I had no idea I shared this dream with so many of my friends.  I encourage as many as possible to follow their homesteader dreams, even if it is just a couple chickens in the back yard to get started, the reward will be worth it. October on the homestead became the month to reap what we sowed, harvest time!  I was able to make a quick weekend trip back to the homestead for the Columbus Day weekend and I am happy I did, there was just so much to do on the farm and sitting at home in DC would have just killed me.  About the first week in October the Chickens (hens) decided to start laying their eggs and once they started they really started.  The first couple of days when they first start laying, the eggs are so small, especially when y